You are right, Kevin. What goes around comes around. Ramphal will surely pay.

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 Kevin Ramnarine wrote :
Ramphal seems to be prospering inspite of his immorality and transgressions. He assisted Burnham with acts of genocide against Indians. We also must not forget Rodney's murder. He is now the Chancellor of UWI and the Univ. of Warwick in the UK, fmr. Secretary Gen of the Commonwealth etc. I don't doubt that he's a damm crook, but it seems that it pays to be a smart man. But alas, like Idi Amin, he has to face the eternal law of Karma.


Mud-face-bandits  Krishna_kidnapped


Eccles body identified as Vryheid's Lust tailor
--- family vows to find out who killed him
By Michel Outridge

Mukesh Budhoo
The body that was found at Eccles Backdam, East Bank Demerara, about 12:15 hours on Sunday has been positively identified as that of Mukesh Budhoo, 41, of Vryheid's Lust Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara.

According to police press release, the body was partly decomposed and had a bullet wound to the head.

At the time of the discovery Budhoo was clad in a black short pants and a multi-coloured jersey.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003