Absurd for UK Govt. to organize Wilton Hall conference
I THOUGHT THAT Prof. Bishnodat Persaud had something new and innovative to say in his impassioned letter in the pages of Sunday Stabroek of June 29. Most Guyanese lucky to be still alive today are aware of these issues in varying degrees of alertness but the British Government’s decision to snatch the situation out of the hands of the Guyana Government is the height of absurdity.

Then look at the representatives they chose. Given Prof. Persaud’s list of issues to be addressed, who among this list have the necessary qualifications, experience and will to make positive contributions and change? If these persons are all here in Guyana and have made no contribution of note, I can only think that they are looking for a summer vacation.

It is absurd for the British to organize the Conference in the first place (never mind the merits of Wilton Hall as an institution). It is mind boggling that they can take it upon themselves to exclude the government whose party represents the majority of the people, and the Government itself administers to the entire nation. Despite its obvious shortcomings and blindness it has been democratically elected. What constituency does the British represent? How would they enforce or implement any decisions taken in UK except perhaps by a coup in Georgetown? It is highly presumptuous for the British to treat us as if we are still a British outpost of plantation servants. We may be a poor and dwindling country but the British are totally out of order.

Some of the people they have gathered to take on the trip are the problem. Most of them are too prejudiced and bigoted to make any honest contribution to Guyana’s development. They are the reason we are struck in the mud. Indeed, they should each get a one-way ticket to London. There are more important things for the British High Commission to help with in Guyana before offering anyone a summer vacation.

For example, Nigel Hughes’s dubious movements with criminals and their activities, as reported in the Press (e.g. his removal of the video tape in the Hamilton murder has still not been satisfactory explained. He consorts with all sorts of criminals, not just people who have run afoul of the law and need to be legally represented, but of known drug lords and those who plot to slaughter innocent people. Hughes frequents Buxton with impunity. Then, there is his wife, Cathy Hughes’s and her racial triumphalism on certain racially slanted TV stations-a sickly smirk on her face.

And Cathy Hughes’s father, Hugh Cholmondley, and Joe Singh who never part their lips to utter a sound when Indians are being Slaughtered, raped, robbed and battered for fifteen long months. The Hughes/Cholmondeley families cannot dictate our future - they are no experts even if they have connections with Sir Shridath Ramphal and Mohammed Shahabudeen laid the foundation for the Burnham dictatorship - the beginning of the destruction of Guyana from which we have never recovered. They have both feathered their nests and left us with the problems they engineered.

The silent approval of WPA members, including Rupert Roopnarine, now Chairman of the Parliament Management Committee? His frequent visits into Buxton to meet the criminals is perplexing. Only he can explain. The WPA, or what’s left of it, represents less than a quarter percent of Guyana. Ms. Sheila Holder’s every letter to the press is to justify the slaughter of Indians, citing her black marginalization theory. Clive Thomas’s recent economic and social analyses have been also been tainted with the Black marginalization theory. And the Mayor must resign because he has failed monumentally to manage Georgetown and its environs.

The Guyanese people have no confidence in this team chosen by the British. And that is the second objection.

The PNC/R leader must demonstrate he can behave responsibly before going anywhere. The recently signed communiqué must be given a chance to work. It makes sense to call off the show. We are grateful for British aid but that does not give them the right to browbeat us. Peace and harmony cannot be one-sided. It cannot be unilaterally imposed or imperially dictated. It must come from within. President Jagdeo has taken a courageous stand.

The people of Guyana are living together as one people, but some of the people on the British team have succeeded in making deep divisions in our society and in organizing and maintaining terror and strife in this country. And, ironically, these very persons have been chosen to find the way to peace. It’s mind-boggling.

We would be eternally grateful if the British can help us to flush out the intellectual authors, their accomplices and supporters behind the fifteen months of terror emanating out of Buxton. Those of us who have seen our loved ones slaughtered cannot sleep at nights, we cannot be sure that this nightmare would not recur unless and until the authors, doers, accomplices, planners, lecturers, supporters, providers, the whole criminal network of men and women, are exposed and brought to justice.

High Commissioner Hiscock, please can you help us in this matter?



Tuesday, July 08, 2003


Orphan murder accused duo freed