From: Raj 
Sent: October 20, 2003 
To:  D.  Singh
Subject: RE: [Guyanese] I can't believe the trash said about the Burnhams

These people have a mental condition, a mental block, a myopic vision, a blindness - call it what you will - but they can never change. And they will forever be condemned to repeat their mistakes. 
And don't forget that Viola made us go back to use of the fireside. She, as a so-called modern stateswoman made Guyanese women suffer immensely. She created the chula - and pushed for its use to maximise her profits. Cooking gas was limited, standing in line for hours to get a bottle of gas, and if you didn't get that bottle of gas, waking up in the wee hours of the morning to prepare breakfast, before heading off to work. Man, we suffered and whoever believes otherwise is hiding their heads in the sand. Whatever happened to their swiss accounts now that they are both dead?



Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003

 Subject: RE: [Guyanese] I can't believe the trash said about the Burnhams

Cut the crap.You accuse current ministers of being criminals? What Gaal!!. Hammie killed his own wife, he had associate ministers killed so he can sleep with their wives, and you accuse others of being criminal!!! Hoyte and Corbin and the rest raped, stole and walked the streets of Guyana free as a bird. They sheltered the terrorists who covered up their acts by committing rape, burglary and murder. Which head of state or former of head of state can justify sheltering criminals such as these in their own homes? When we speak we are called racists but your comments are laced with racism. The Burnhams did nothing good for Guyana. They raped the country and made it bankrupt. The unfortunate thing is that the bloody current government does not wish to arrest and hang the bastards who destroyed the land of beauty, the pigs who destroyed many Indian home by having their female family members raped. Of course you and the rest will deny any wrong doing because after all who gained from their actions. It is unfortunate that the people of "black colour" vote by colour instead of their hearts. They punished as much by the dictatorship. By the way, seeing we are so racist then explain how come the PM is not East Indian!!!! The old people used to say that "cockroach eat out your reasoning, your conscience" but in your case they even eat out your ability to be honest. Call me whatever you want I don't care, but the fact remains that Viola Burnham is as guilty as her husband and the band of killers who took over power by fraud. You say she did much for women!!! Then tell me why is it that all over Georgetown there are black women dressed in shabby clothing trying to sell fruits and vegetables to support their families. You say she did lots for women then tell me why is it that in the area where the "black people live in Georgetown there is no air conditioning in their homes but her pigs lived in air conditioned comfort!!!! What did the women gain from her actions? Tell us. Show us. They gained zero from her activities as she rode her horse by the sea side every Saturday morning. She looked down on them just as the Colonials did. They were nothing. Her associates treated women as cattle meant for them to get their rocks off and when they refused they were disfigured and gang raped.

 D.  Singh


From: carshar28

Sent: October 19, 2003


Subject: [Guyanese] I can't believe the trash said about the Burnhams

Why are persons in this group stiffling their conscience about the Burnhams? Instead they imbibe in their PPP-racist orientation to deny the greatness of the Burnhams. So Viola Burnham cannot be compared to Ghandi, Bhutto, and Banderanike Because she is Black or you all are too insipid. most of you benifited immensely from her work especially in womens issues.But rum and suicide is still higher in your communities now that the ppp is in control. As for the Burnhams billions that so called artical in the Ebony Magazine never existed I remember when Enrico Woolford had interviewed one of the publishers of the magazine, Mr Johnson at his Headquarters in Chicago,a few years back and he catagorically denied that an article of such nature was ever written about the Burnhams. Of course it was trraced down to the dirty tricks campaign of the evil PPP. Today we are horrified at what the ppp has done to this country. six known criminals are meebers of the cabinet. Each minister whose salaries are under $100,000 a month all have multimillion dollar houses. while their is over 60% unemployment and 70% persons under the poverty line. Even the sugar workers had to be tear gassed for standing up for their rights; ordered by the PPP! And they are the masters of corruption. It's as if it is their secluded religion. So don't tell me about the Burnhams. They were the best that ever happened to Guyana.

Carol Sharon.